Procurement Management
Management has evolved over the years and as Organizations get bigger and the Markets
becomes more competitive, Purchase Departments need outside consultation and training
to keep running in top gear.
provides a gamut of Training and Consultation services for the Purchase Departments.
below are the specific areas of Procurement Management for which we provide training
and consultation services:
Modern Purchase Practices
efficient performance of the purchasing function is vital for efficient & smooth
functioning of the other departments of the company. It is therefore very necessary
that the professional competence of the purchase department should be of a high
order. The objective is to obtain the best value of the money spent. To achieve
this modern purchasing practices are followed like Zero defect concept, Just in
Time, TQM, bench marking, Green Purchasing and Reverse auction etc.
Procurement Outsourcing
new concept is followed by some progressive organizations. In
this responsibility of Procurement is given to outside Agency particularly for project
procurement. It gives certain benefits like reduction in manpower of Purchase dept
and better Prices as negotiations are done by experts for higher quantities. The
biggest advantage of this arrangement is that time of Purchase team can be utilized
for improvement of process.
SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
always help to enhance the effectiveness of the process by curtailing undesired
activities and also by providing guidelines for the entire process. Designating
of SOPs is very vital particularly for crucial processes like Procurement cycle,
selection and evaluation of suppliers etc.
Procurement cycle
identification is the first step of procurement cycle. Once need is identified scientifically
& requisition is raised for procurement. Total procurement cycle can be optimized
depending upon classification of items to be procured. Efforts need to be made for
optimizing the procurement cycle by removing the unnecessary steps. An ineffective
procurement cycle leads to high inventory and number of stock outs as well. There
should always be tendency towards paperless purchasing by using modern procurement
Vendor selection & Evaluation
of right source is mandatory for any procurement system. Identifying potential and
reliable suppliers, as well as maintaining their up to date records on their performance
is vital for purchasing operations. It is also necessary to keep approved vendor
list for all items to be procured. Evaluation of suppliers is done based upon certain
parameters like quality, delivery, service and price rating etc after every fixed
interval. It is also necessary to educate the supplier with a view to improve his
Contact Us
with your specific needs on the above topics and we will be able to offer you with
Training/Consultation at appropriate prices.